Us air force drops tank
Us air force drops tank

us air force drops tank

It is a step ahead in a changing world, delivering special operations combat power anytime, anywhere. They also operate expeditionary airfields, conduct classified missions, and support combat rescue missions.ĪFSOC is America's specialized air power. The Special Tactics Group is comprised of Air Force Combat Control, Pararescue and Combat Weather personnel capable of providing terminal guidance for weapons, control of assault zone aircraft, fire support, medical support, and weather support. Weapons systems operated by AFSOC include: Only USCINCPAC and USCINCEUR have theater assigned AFSOC forces.Īir Force SOF consists of uniquely equipped fixed and rotary wing aircraft operated by highly trained aircrews whose missions include insertion, extraction, resupply, aerial fire support, refueling, combat search and rescue, and PSYOP. AFSOC has OPCON of CONUS-based forces while theater SOCs exercise OPCON of assigned or OCONUS assets. AFSOC forces are apportioned and assigned by the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) to USSOCOM and theater Commanders in Chief (CINC). AFSOC is organized into one active component Special Operations Wing, two active Special Operations Groups, one active Special Tactics Group, and two reserve Special Operations Wings.

us air force drops tank

AFSOC is an Air Force major command and constitutes the Air Force component of the unified USSOCOM. SPECIAL OPERATIONS FORCES Reference ManualĪIR FORCE SPECIAL OPERATIONS COMMAND (AFSOC)Īll USAF special operations are under the command of AFSOC.

Us air force drops tank